Automated trading with ForexTeam app. +786 eur / month

Hi there,

here is Metatrader statement from our user from Germany, he use ForexTeam automated trading. Automated trading with ForexTeam app generates our users passive income)

Trading profit from 16.11.2017 till 13.12.2017 = +786.28 eur

forex trading performance forexteam app user Germany Dec 2017


ForexTeam users share trading results from today’s GBPUSD sell

Hello there,

2 ForexTeam users sent to us today’s trading results and we would like to share it. From this GBPUSD trade one user from Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) earned 177 USD and another one from Gauteng (South Africa) earned 100.91 USD.
They copy ForexTeam trading signals automatically in Metatrader 4. Guys, it is pretty good results for 1 day. Good trades!

gbpusd trading profit forexteam app june 2017

gbp usd trading performance june 2017 forex team app signals

Weekly ForexTeam trading performance 12.06-16.06.2017 +123 pips

Hello guys,

briefly about ForexTeam trading performance.

Week 12.06 – 16.06.2017

Closed trades with profit = 20
Closed trades with loss = 3

Netto profit = +123 pips

All ForexTeam closed orders you can find in ForexTeam app in menu “Closed signals” (see the picture below).

forexteam app trading performance free signals online june 2016 en

Trading performance of ForexTeam user from Germany: +396 eur

Hey there,

this Metatrader screenshot sent us our user from Germany. Robert copy ForexTeam trading signals automatically in Metatrader platform and yesterday night (09.06.2017) he got passive profit of 396 eur!
Robert next time we drink bier together, you pay ))

Please, check our GBPUSD weekly review here.

forexteam app free trading signals gbpusd profit performance 09062017_1

Good luck,